Are video games addictive?

Video games are now a favorite pastime for children and adults alike. It is not surprising that games of all genres are now available on the market. Of course, it is children who play most frequently, and this is a source of concern for many parents. One of these concerns is whether their children will become addicted to video games. When you think about it, parents are right to be concerned. After all, even adults play games in their spare time, no matter what their responsibilities are or whether they have to sleep because they have an important meeting tomorrow.

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Many people do not look after their families because of this. So it is understandable that we fear what it will bring to our children. And it is also true that addiction can arise here. Many video games, especially free ones, literally encourage it. They are designed to make it easy to become addicted and to want to keep playing. To do this, they not only use classic psychological tricks, but also our body chemistry. For example, they lure us in with quick successes in the beginning and make our bodies release the happy hormone dopamine. We thereby feel satisfied. Of course, that in itself is not bad. What is worse is what happens afterwards.

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As the game progresses, this sense of achievement becomes increasingly rare. However, the desire for dopamine not only remains the same, it increases. So they play more and more just to get dopamine. That is the principle of microtransactions. If we are in such an addiction, then essentially being able to buy that dopamine is irresistible to most of us. This is, of course, most true for children. Does this mean that video games are dangerous? Not necessarily. They just need to be played in moderation. If we let them, they can teach us a lot. Just don\’t let the games control you. It is a path to hell, or at least to debt traps and other problems.