Attention to Relationships

If I were to ask you about family relationships, what would they be? Would it be a good family relationship or a bad one? Many people have very bad family relationships, either not getting along or not getting along at all. When people don\’t understand each other, it is a great pity. I think it is best to make up. Most of the time, it\’s at Christmas or somebody\’s birthday or a funeral, for example.

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And I have found that grief actually brings people together. I think joy, happiness, and love bring people together. But if people reconcile at a funeral, maybe that\’s all that matters. At least there will be peace in the family and family relations will be good again. Because that is what happened to me. When my great aunt and great grandmother died, I reconciled with my sister and brother. The three of us had been competing with each other since about puberty, and somehow we didn\’t get along at all, and most of the time we were at odds.

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We feuded for several years.37] So I thought it best that people not argue at all and rather get along. However, some people do not try to come to terms at all and would rather argue or have their self-esteem hurt. When that happens, reconciling family relationships can be really difficult and especially challenging. But it is important to have really good relationships at work as well as at home. Because if the workplace relationships are really bad, people won\’t know where to step in or what to do. Anyway, make sure you have good relationships in the workplace. Sometimes it turns out really bad, and sometimes it turns out really sad.

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