How to fall in love with runningIf

you like to run, but you feel like you don\’t enjoy it? Maybe you\’re just going about it the wrong way. You can love this sport if you avoid basic mistakes.

Set asidetime
It\’s hard to get started when you don\’t have a clear plan. Every night you tell yourself you\’re going to go running tomorrow, but you always end up staying home? Find days when you have time, set a specific time and stick to it. Think about whether you are better at running in the morning or in the evening and, in the best case, combine the two occasionally.
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Dosomething else
Focusing only on running is not a good solution in the long run. Firstly you are strengthening the same muscles over and over again, and secondly you may soon tire of it. Try combining running with another sport, such as yoga, pilates or aerobics.
Don\’t fall into a rut
This can really damage your passion for running. It\’s a good idea to mix and match routes, run with a friend or partner occasionally, and if you only run in the evening, try running in the morning sometime. The routine will soon get boring and you will lose motivation.
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If you think you can\’t afford to rest to be at your best and be worthwhile as a runner, then put that thought out of your mind. You have to rest because if you exhaust your body unnecessarily, it will definitely not thank you for it and then running will not be an enjoyable hobby for you, but an obligation. Don\’t run every day and combine running with brisk walking.
Start slowly
Don\’t think you can run a marathon the first time. When you feel your body has had enough, stop after one kilometre. You\’ll find that next time you\’ll run a little further. You have to be patient, it won\’t happen right away, it takes practice. But at least you can be motivated by the kilometres and the visible improvement in fitness.
Buy clothes
Expensive special clothes are not necessary and you can do without them. But if you do your sport in a new sports shirt that you feel good in, like and look good in, then you will run much better than in worn out clothes that are slowly being thrown away.