When people are afraid, they do many things. This is especially true in relationships. And in my last article, I talked about how infidelity is a common problem that can destroy relationships. Some people even install apps on their partners\’ phones to track where their partners are right now. I did that, and while I was finally relieved, I learned something I probably should not have known. It was that I had long suspected that my partner was hiding something from me. But I did not know what it was.
So I installed a tracking app on his phone. He usually starts work at 2:30 and I get to work at 11:30. So I\’ve always been curious. The day I installed this on my partner\’s phone, I was very nervous. I was afraid he would find out. But luckily he didn\’t. After he left, I watched where he was going. My fears were right on target. He was not where he was supposed to be. So I automatically deduced that he was having an affair.
Then I went through his emails and saw what he was texting with others, some women. I couldn\’t take it anymore, so I confronted him about it. I told him about it and surprisingly he didn\’t deny it. I hoped that maybe he would get down on his knees and beg me to stay with him, but that did not happen. I left him. It was embarrassing to find out he was cheating on me with another woman and I couldn\’t imagine being with him anymore. Well, now I am better off without him. I have a new partner and he is the complete opposite of my ex. So everything bad is actually good for something. That\’s how I found my beautiful true love