Relationships between children

Family and work relationships can actually be very tense at the same time, not only at work and family, but also between friends. Especially if they are around 10 years old, they just argue, because they don\’t even know what they want or who they are. That\’s why they fight, even among friends. I am so sorry because I have a young son. He is 11 years old and he is a smart kid. But sometimes my son doesn\’t feel comfortable with his friends either. Some kids get on each other\’s nerves in childhood relationships. But believe me, I am always tired of placating my kids, making excuses, scolding or blaming someone else.

I děti musí vědět, že není vždy po jejich.

It\’s really very hard for me because I\’m afraid that my kids will get really angry and our friendship will come to a standstill and my son will be left alone. My son is an only child and he grew up alone until he was 6 years old. So my son was used to always getting his way when he wanted to play, and I had no choice but to play with him. However, now we live in a completely different place and my son has lots of friends. Also, my son cannot communicate with them at all. I am really sorry, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it.

I děti musí mít dobré vztahy.

How many times have I told myself that it would be best if my son would realize that it is very important to keep good relationships with his friends. My son keeps promising to be a good boy and not to argue with anyone. But we all know that\’s how kids are. Kids promise you something and the next day they do the exact opposite. Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it. My son simply has to understand what it means to be angry. I have tried many times and wanted to send him to camp, but unfortunately he is so attached to me that it probably wouldn\’t last at all at a kid-to-kid camp. So I\’m going to rely on the fact that one day the kids will have a really good relationship and they won\’t fight anymore and I won\’t have to interfere.