Why we consider games harmful

Today, more and more people call themselves “gamers. However, the majority of society condemns this hobby and associates it with many negative things. And it is true that they may be partially right. Therefore, it is worth examining whether it really is as dangerous as many say, or whether these concerns are somewhat exaggerated after all. But things are not as simple as they seem at first glance. First, we need to define what a game is. This is not so easy either, as many people have different opinions. To them alone, a game is an enthusiastic video game player.

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According to opponents, it is people who spend too much time playing video games and end up hurting themselves and others. Then it is not easy to find where the truth lies. First of all, I must say that playing video games is not such a bad hobby in itself. It can be a great way to practice English and to develop logical thinking and reflexes. Again, no matter what problems or limitations you may have in your daily life, you can basically be who you want to be. And that is definitely a good thing. But here, too, caution must be exercised. Many video games are intentionally addictive and designed to create addiction in the player.

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And if you want to keep playing, you have to spend more time and often more money on the game. After all, that is what the developers are after. And here lies the crux of the problem. Children are particularly susceptible to this addiction. This results in lower school performance as well as other problems (whether physical or psychological) associated with excessive gaming. No wonder mainstream society is against gamers. It is not surprising that people, especially those who do not understand this issue at all, are concerned about their own children. And many misunderstandings are created that might otherwise not have been there at all.

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