Why We Enjoy Competitive Games

There is no doubt that games are very important for children. It is also interesting to note that there are many different types of games. However, it is hard to argue that by far the most popular games are competitive ones, where you compete with other players. Of course, there are many solitaire games, but there is no disputing that competitive games dominate. But why?

The reason can be traced to basic human nature. As a social species, humans want to have a hierarchical order. We need to know where we are on the social ladder, and we need to know it from an early age. And competitive games are a safe way to resolve this situation without anyone getting hurt. And by resolving everything at an early age, we can avoid being plagued with conflict as adults, with far worse consequences.

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While we no longer need these things, this still applies today. In short, we want to know who is the best at certain things. This, as already mentioned, is very important for human beings. And this is true even today. It is an instinctive desire and cannot be avoided.

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The feeling of victory cannot be forgotten. The feeling of victory is also unforgettable, as it releases large amounts of dopamine and other “happy hormones. After long hours of practice, there is no greater feeling than when you finally beat your opponent, and for children, this feeling is even greater. And for children, the feeling is even more intense.

Therefore, we should not condemn this kind of game. On the contrary, there is no harm in encouraging children to play games. Sure, they may lose at first, but sooner or later they will learn to win. Moreover, he will learn that losing is only a step on the way to winning and that he can learn a lot from it. And that is something that will be useful in his life. In fact, the same competitive environment exists in the workplace.