Brewing Beer at Home

Posted on April 25, 2024

How is beer actually made in a brewery? Brewing beer in a brewery is a fairly complex and lengthy process, and depending on the type of brewery, each usually has its own recipe. The process begins by bringing in malt that must be rested through the so-called “brewing process”. This is followed by mashing (during which polysaccharides are broken down), fermentation, hopping, cooling, fermentation, aging (lagers take 60 days to mature), filtration, bottling, and distribution. This is a simplified description … Continue reading “Brewing Beer at Home”

Brewing Beer at Home

Posted on April 25, 2024

How is beer actually made in a brewery? Brewing beer in a brewery is a fairly complex and lengthy process, and depending on the type of brewery, each usually has its own recipe. The process begins by bringing in malt that must be rested through the so-called “brewing process”. This is followed by mashing (during which polysaccharides are broken down), fermentation, hopping, cooling, fermentation, aging (lagers take 60 days to mature), filtration, bottling, and distribution. This is a simplified description … Continue reading “Brewing Beer at Home”

Even men have those days

Posted on February 15, 2024

A study conducted over a long period of time showed some very surprising results. Namely, that women are not the only ones who are regularly plagued by hormones. Like it or not, men have their days, too. It is not that a pocket calendar or a box of Brufen should be a woman\’s equipment. It should also be the equipment of all men.Indeed it is. The monthly cycle affects men as well. Their hormonal intensity is sometimes much higher than … Continue reading “Even men have those days”

Even men have those days

Posted on February 15, 2024

A study conducted over a long period of time showed some very surprising results. Namely, that women are not the only ones who are regularly plagued by hormones. Like it or not, men have their days, too. It is not that a pocket calendar or a box of Brufen should be a woman\’s equipment. It should also be the equipment of all men.Indeed it is. The monthly cycle affects men as well. Their hormonal intensity is sometimes much higher than … Continue reading “Even men have those days”

Bohemian Boyard

Posted on December 9, 2023

Who doesn\’t know Pevnost Boyard? For many, the show became almost cult-like in their youth. There aren\’t many who wouldn\’t want to be one of the contestants, go to this place, complete a few challenges,find a key,and solve a puzzle based on a verbal clue.While everyone certainly had their favorite disciplines, there were also many that they wanted to avoid. The latter group included working with animals, or rather, various, frighteningly large insects and rodents. But a trip to France … Continue reading “Bohemian Boyard”

Bohemian Boyard

Posted on December 9, 2023

Who doesn\’t know Pevnost Boyard? For many, the show became almost cult-like in their youth. There aren\’t many who wouldn\’t want to be one of the contestants, go to this place, complete a few challenges,find a key,and solve a puzzle based on a verbal clue.While everyone certainly had their favorite disciplines, there were also many that they wanted to avoid. The latter group included working with animals, or rather, various, frighteningly large insects and rodents. But a trip to France … Continue reading “Bohemian Boyard”

Family Relationships

Posted on November 24, 2023

Do you buy into the idea that if you maintain really good relationships it is best? Yes, I believe it is the best choice. Because if you feel really sad and do not maintain really good relationships with anyone, it will hurt not only you but also other family members. For example, if you have a fight with another family member in your family, I will tell you that is not ideal at all. So the best thing to do … Continue reading “Family Relationships”

Family Relationships

Posted on November 24, 2023

Do you buy into the idea that if you maintain really good relationships it is best? Yes, I believe it is the best choice. Because if you feel really sad and do not maintain really good relationships with anyone, it will hurt not only you but also other family members. For example, if you have a fight with another family member in your family, I will tell you that is not ideal at all. So the best thing to do … Continue reading “Family Relationships”

Fun for all of us

Posted on November 12, 2023

Fun really is for everyone. In my opinion, it is ok for everyone to have fun. In my opinion, if people have fun, it is prima. Fun is different and not the same for everyone. And it depends on what a person is interested in and what they are interested in. I myself, when I was still growing up with my parents and had no siblings, there was a certain kind of fun that they provided for me. I was … Continue reading “Fun for all of us”

Ball season begins

Posted on May 18, 2023

Proms are one of the biggest events of the year. A special time is set aside for it, which is also why it is so unusual. Balls are held in probably every small village in the country, but they are also held in the big cities, and they are spectacular, extravagant, and not for everyone. The most famousball in the country is the Opera Ball, whether the famous one in Prague or the one in Brno. Czech and foreign royalty … Continue reading “Ball season begins”